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An ongoing s€x investigation involving members of the department’s night shift led to the shooting of five La Vergne police officers last week , a city spokesperson told WSMV 4.
The same thing. the results of the investigation and the suspension without pay of three other employees.
According to a disturbing investigative report WMSV 4 obtained through a request for documents, the investigation began on Dec. 12 .
when Mayor Jason Cole notified the Department of Human Services about suspected professional misconduct.
He learned from reliable sources that La Vergne police officer Maegan Hall was involved in romantic relationships with other officers.
Sergeant Lewis Powell, Officer Patrick Magliocco, Officer Larry Holladay, Detective Seneca Shields and Officer Juan Lugo-Perez were said to be among the police.
According to the research report, all the men admitted that they had s€x secretly in the room.
Sheilds also said that Hall worked together as they worked out in the police gym before returning to their offices to finish the day’s work.
The “Girls Gone Wild” program that involved several police officers and their families was also included in the investigation.
This happened in the hot spot of La Vergne Sgt. Eric Staats Boat. According to the complaint, High Hall appeared to be drunk by the police.
Shields, Hall, Lugo-Perez, Powell, Henry Ty McGowan and Sgt. Staffers Gavin Schoeberl, Magliocco and Holladay were upset.
Watch the video and photos of Maegan Hall
The investigation is known to the La Vergne Fraternal Order of Police President Staats, who also said that none of the police officers involved will speak at this time.
It is unclear whether any appeals will be filed.
In a 20-page investigation, WSMV’s Brendan Tierney found numerous references to homosexuality within the department, police intervening in open marriages and sending police photos.
their own identity. According to the investigation, employees go to football parties where they kiss, discuss threesomes with Hall and his wives and drive after drinking.