An 8-year-old boy’s attempt to make friends at the local ballpark takes a turn for the worse when he is brutally attacked by a teenage girl, Lexi Bonner.
The shocking incident, which was filmed on social media under Lexi Bonner’s video of the incident on Twitter, shows the girl kicking the boy many times, even focusing on the feet.

The boy’s friend can be heard speaking emotionally as the pain unfolds, the need for autism awareness and the negative effects of bullying.
At, we delve into this heartbreaking case, examine its various aspects, and recommend measures to prevent such atrocities from happening again.
The video of Lexi Bonner’s incident shocked the nation, shining a light on the harsh reality that, despite our best efforts to protect and nurture our children, violence and cruelty remain in society people.
Lexi Bonner Incident Video Footage on Twitter and Updates
In a world where we strive to create a safe environment for our children to grow and thrive, the actions shown in the video are a happy reminder that we still have a long way to go. way to go.