A shocking new video shows the moment Julio Foolio was shot dead. Julio Foolio had little chance to escape as the gunman shot directly into his car.
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On the night of June 23, Jacksonville, Florida. The citizen fled with three other people in his black sedan while they were in the parking lot of the Holiday Inn and Hilton in Tampa after his 26th birthday.
In video footage from the parking lot, you can see the moment a man wearing a black ski helmet fired multiple shots into the window of Foolio’s car as he drove by.
The car jumped the curb and left the median as the man ran toward it with his gun still in hand.

He broadcast his move in a video he posted on social media which showed him walking up the stairs of a hotel with a crowd behind him.

Foolio’s mother recently mourned the loss of her son in a long Instagram post that featured a video montage of important moments in Foolio’s life.