Dick Cheney calls Trump a ‘weakling’ in promotion for girl’s re-appointment
There has never been a person who is a more prominent danger to our republic than Donald Trump,” the previous VP said in pushing for Rep.

Liz Cheney of Wyoming Former VP Dick Cheney, in a promotion delivered Thursday to support his little girl Liz’s re-appointment crusade, targeted Donald Trump.

Cheney gazed straight into the camera in the 60-second promotion and thrashed the previous president as a “coward.”
In our country’s 246-year history, there has never been a person who is a more prominent danger to our republic than Donald Trump,” Cheney said.
“He attempted to take the last political decision involving falsehoods and savagery to keep himself in power after the citizens had dismissed him. He is a weakling.
A genuine man wouldn’t mislead his allies. He lost his political race, and he lost huge. I know it. He knows it, and where it counts, I think most conservatives know.”