Former British student Sophia Rosing has been jailed for 12 months for assaulting fellow student Kylah Spring.

Nearly two years after the incident, Sophia Rosing appeared in Fayette County Circuit Court and was sentenced to 12 months in prison, 100 days of community service and a $25 fine.

She pleaded guilty in August to four counts of fourth-degree assault, one count of disorderly conduct and one count of possession of alcohol.
A student who used the word “nigger” 200 times during a drunken binge will be jailed for a year.

Sophia Rosing, a former student at the University of Kentucky, became famous in 2022 for her speech made in pictures and social media.
In the video, Rosing is seen using abusive language towards another student who is attacking him.

This week, a Kentucky judge sentenced Rosing to 12 months in prison and 100 hours of community service, according to Lex 18.
He uses the racial slur about 200 times during the video