Ex-jail official imprisoned over s*x with inmate A previous HMP Wandsworth jail official who was recorded having intercourse with a detainee has been imprisoned for a very long time.

Linda De Sousa Abreu was recognized by senior jail staff after the clasp was shared on the web and immediately turned into a web sensation.
The legislative head of Wandsworth said Abreu’s moves had made “under a day” to fix the numerous long stretches of work for the benefit of female staff in every male jail.

Abreu, 30, who was captured at Heathrow Air terminal prior to endeavoring to load onto a trip to Madrid with her dad, recently confessed to unfortunate behavior in open office.
Disgraced jail official Linda De Sousa Abreu, who has today been condemned for engaging in se*ual relations with a prisoner in a phone, recently highlighted on Channel 4’s pleasure seekers show
Linda De Sousa Abreu, 30, has today been imprisoned for quite some time subsequent to conceding to offense in a public office at Isleworth Crown Court in July.
The month earlier, a video was shared via virtual entertainment showing a female jail official at HMP Wandsworth, in south London, engaging in sexual relations with a male detainee in a cell.